Kristen Deede Johnson

Kristen is Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs and G. W. and Edna Haworth Professor of Educational Ministries and Leadership at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. In partnership with International Justice Mission, she and co-author Bethany Hanke Hoang wrote the award-winning The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance (Brazos Press, 2016). Kristen’s scholarship focuses on theology, culture, formation, and political theory.  

Posts by Kristen Deede Johnson:

Kristen Johnson: Unclench Your Fist

Kristen Johnson: Unclench Your Fist

Questions about the place of Christianity and the posture of Christians in a pluralistic society have never been merely theoretical for me. They have always been very personal.

Politics in a Divided Age

Politics in a Divided Age

Go Into Your Room, Close the Door, and Engage the World

Go Into Your Room, Close the Door, and Engage the World